Provincial Cancer Agencies

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The BC Cancer Agency provides a comprehensive cancer control program for the people of BC. We accept patients who have been diagnosed with cancer and are referred by a physician.

The BC Cancer Agency’s mandate covers the spectrum of cancer care, from prevention and screening, to diagnosis, treatment, and through to rehabilitation. Our mandate is driven by a three-fold mission:

  • To reduce the incidence of cancer
  • To reduce the mortality rate of people with cancer
  • To improve the quality of life of people living with cancer

This mission drives everything we do, including providing screening, diagnosis and care, setting treatment standards, and conducting research into causes of, and cures for, cancer. 

The BC Cancer Agency is committed to providing all patients with access to a full range of quality cancer services, regardless of where in BC they live. 

Cancer Care for BC

The BC Cancer Agency operates six regional cancer centres, providing assessment and diagnostic services, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and supportive care.

Each of the BC Cancer Agency’s centres delivers cancer treatment based on provincial standards and guidelines established by the Agency.

We work in partnership with communities to provide a network of chemotherapy clinics so patients can receive care closer to home.

Abbotsford Centre

BC Cancer Agency - Abbotsford Centre
An integral link in the BC Cancer Agency’s provincial services and a state-of-the-art
provider of cancer care and research.

This cancer centre is integrated within the Abbotsford Regional Hospital and Cancer Centre site, a partnership of the Fraser Health Authority and the BC Cancer Agency.

The Abbotsford Centre offers a full range of cancer control services, including:
–  New patient multi-disciplinary consultation and care planning
–  Chemotherapy and systemic care
–  Radiation therapy and enhanced Brachytherapy services
–  Supportive care and pain/symptom management
–  Nutritional consultation and patient and family counselling services
–  Patient and community education in cancer prevention
–  Access to national and international clinical trials
–  Professional education/liaison for community based cancer control programs


Hours & contact information

Switchboard: 604-851-4710
Toll-free: 1-877-547-3777 (in BC)
Emergency: call 911
The following operate Monday to Friday:
Administration: 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Chemotherapy: 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. 
Radiation Therapy: 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Administration: 604-851-4707
BC Cancer Foundation: 604-851-4736
Address: 32900 Marshall Road, Abbotsford BC V2S 0C2

Centre for the North

BC Cancer Agency - Centre for the North
We provide world-class cancer care to residents of the North.
Located in Prince George, adjacent to the University Hospital of Northern BC, Centre for the North meets the needs of the residents of Northern BC. The new centre offers radiation therapy, systemic therapy and a full range of supportive services reducing the amount of travel that patients and families have to undertake when facing a cancer diagnosis and treatment.
The BC Cancer Agency Centre for the North has been providing cancer care services in partnership with the Northern Health Authority since November 1, 2012. Combining the closer to home strategy with the “Northern Way of Caring” helps all members of the team work towards the goal of patient centred care when providing  and transitioning services.

Finding us:

1215 Lethbridge Street Prince George, BC V2M 7E9
Phone: 250-645-7300

Toll-free (within BC): 1-855-775-7300

8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday (excluding statutory holidays)


After Hours Emergency

University Hospital of Northern BC. 1475 Edmonton Street, Prince George, BC V2M 1S2
Phone: 250-565-2000


Sindi Ahluwalia Hawkins Centre for the Southern Interior

BC Cancer Agency - Ahluwalia Hawkins Centre for the Southern Interior
The centre for cancer research, education, prevention, diagnosis and treatment in the Southern Interior.

The BC Cancer Agency, Sindi Ahluwalia Hawkins Centre for the Southern Interior has a staff of more than 220 health care professionals, each essential to providing quality cancer care for you. 

Some work directly with you to treat your cancer, others help you deal with the impact of cancer on you, your family and your friends, while others do not deal directly with you but are still vital to your treatment.

Our centre serves people from the Boundary, Cariboo, Kootenay, Okanagan, Similkameen & Thompson regions of BC.

The centre is an outpatient facility, which means patients are treated here during the day. When around-the-clock treatment is needed, patients receive care at Kelowna General Hospital.


7:40 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 

Monday to Friday (excluding statutory holidays).


Main Switchboard 

8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 
Toll-free (in BC): 1-888-563-7773
Appointment Desk
Follow the prompts for doctor, radiation, or systemic (chemo) appointment questions.
Toll-free (in BC): 1-888-563-7773

Fraser Valley Centre

BC Cancer Agency - Fraser Valley Centre

Providing expert cancer treatment for residents of the Fraser Valley.

BC Cancer Agency’s Fraser Valley Centre is located at 13750 96th Avenue, Surrey BC Canada V3V 1Z2 next to Surrey Memorial Hospital. Our North Clinic is located just across our main site on 96th Avenue (please refer to our location map for details).

We provide oncology consultations, chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatments for people who live in the Fraser Valley. Through the BC Cancer Agency, we provide a broad range of services including prevention, treatment, screening, genetic counselling and supportive care. Full details about the centre are available in the New Patient Guidebook that is provided to all patients at their first appointment.

Patient & family counselling services 

We have professionally trained counsellors who specialize in cancer care and provide individual, couple and family counselling services. They also lead support groups. Services are available to patients, families, caregivers and friends, before, during and after treatment. This can include discussion and planning regarding palliative and end-of-life concerns. To book an appointment call 604-930-4000.

Hours & contact information

8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday

7.30 a.m. – 5 p.m. Monday to Friday
Saturday hours

Radiation Therapy
8 a.m. – 4 p.m. Monday to Friday

Main switchboard
8 a.m. – 4.30 p.m.


1-800-523-2885 (in BC)

Vancouver Centre

Vancouver Centre

We care for and support patients with cancer in the Vancouver area.

We are located at 600 West 10th Avenue, between Ash and Heather streets, very close to Vancouver General Hospital. We also have a clinic in the Fairmont Building, at 750 West Broadway.

Phone numbers

  • Main number: 604-877-6000; Toll-free in BC & Yukon: 1-800-663-3333
  • Admitting & Reception: 604-877-6050
  • Ambulatory Care Reception: 1-800-663-3333 (ask for Ambulatory Care)
  • Appointment changes: call Ambulatory Care
  • Chemotherapy: 604-877-6218
  • Library & Cancer Information Centre: 604-675-8001; Toll-free in BC and Yukon: 1-888-675-8001 ext. 8001
  • Nutrition Services: 604-877-6000 ext. 2013
  • Patient Care Nurse Line (to speak to a Registered Nurse at the Vancouver Centre with general questions about your treatment or symptoms): 604-877-6025 (Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.)
  • Patient & Family Counselling: 604-877-6000 ext. 2194
  • PET (Functional Imaging): 604-707-5951
  • Pharmacy: 604-877-6135
  • Radiation Therapy: 604-877-6014
  • Radiation Therapy appointment changes: call Radiation Therapy Booking Desk: 604-930-4007
  • Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Vancouver Island Centre

BC Cancer Agency - Vancouver Island Centre

BC Cancer Agency’s Vancouver Island Centre is located at 2410 Lee Avenue, Victoria, B.C., Canada, V8R 6V5, next to the Royal Jubilee Hospital.  

We provide oncology consultations, chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatments for people who live on Vancouver Island.

We provide a broad range of services including prevention, treatment, screening, genetic counselling and supportive care.

Hours & contact information

Main switchboard


250-519-5501 or 250-519-5502

BC Cancer Foundation

Release of Patient Information

The best time to call is between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday



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At Barrhead Community Cancer Centre, we provide treatment for your cancer and offer many services to support you and your family during and after your cancer treatments.

Barrhead Healthcare Centre –  4851 51 Avenue Barrhead, Alberta T7N 1M1

How to contact us: Main Desk: 780-305-3304

Opening Hours: Open Monday to Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.




Bonnyville Healthcare Centre -5001 Lakeshore Drive Bonnyville, Alberta T9N 2J7

How to contact us: Main reception: 780-826-3311 ext 227

Opening Hours: Monday – Thursday 8:00 am – 4:00 pm




Canmore General Hospital –  1100 Hospital Place Canmore, Alberta T1W 1N2

How to contact us: 403-678-7200

Opening Hours: Wednesday: 9:00 am – 12:00 pm Thursday: 8:00 am – 4:00 pm Friday: 8:00 am – 4:00 pm



1331 29 St NW Calgary, AB T2N 4N2

Main Number:  403-521-3723

Appointments and Registration 403-521-3722 After Hours You will get a number from your care team



Address: 3500-26 Avenue NE Calgary, AB T1Y 6J4

Switchboard/Hospital Operator: 403-943-4555

Hematology Clinic and Treatment: 403-943-4592

After Hours Emergency Department: 403-943-4999 



Located at: St. Mary’s Hospital 4607 53 Street Camrose, Alberta T4V 1Y5

How to contact us: Main Desk: 780-679-2822  

Opening Hours: Open Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.



Located at: Drayton Valley Hospital & Care Centre 4550 Madsen Avenue Drayton Valley, Alb T7A 1N8 

How to contact us: 780-621-4888

Opening Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 8:00 am – 4:00 pm



Located at: Drumheller Community Health Centre 351 9 Street Drumheller, Alberta T0J 0Y1

How to contact us: Main reception: 403-820-7985

Opening Hours: Monday – Thursday 8:00 am – 3:30 pm



Located at: Northern Lights Regional Healthcare Centre Ambulatory Care Unit 7 Hospital Street Fort McMurray, Alberta T9H 1P2

How to contact us: Main Desk: 780-791-6217 Opening

Hours: Open Monday to Thursday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.



Located at: QE II Hospital 10409 98 Street Grande Prairie, Alberta T8V 2E8

How to contact us: Main Desk: 780-538-7588

Opening Hours: Open Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:15 p.m.



Located at: High River General Hospital 560 9 Avenue West High River, Alberta T1V 1B3

How to contact us: 403-652-0139 

Hours: Open Monday to Friday. Hours may vary. 



Hinton Healthcare Centre: 1280 Switzer Drive Hinton, Alberta T7V 1V2

How to contact us: 780-865-3333 ext 1183

Opening Hours: Open Monday to Friday from 8:15 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.


Located at: 960 19 Street Lethbridge AB T1J 1W5

How to contact us: Main Reception: 403-388-6860

Opening Hours: Open Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m



Located at: Medicine Hat Regional Hospital 666 5 Street SW Medicine Hat, Alberta T1A 4H6

How to contact us: Main Desk: 403-529-8817

Opening Hours: Open Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.



Located at:  Red Deer Regional Hospital 3942 50A Avenue Red Deer, Alberta T4N 6R2

How to contact us: Main Reception: 403-343-4526

Opening Hours: Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:45 p.m.



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Located at: Lloydminster Hospital 3820 43 Avenue Lloydminster, SK S9V 1Y5

How to contact us: 306-820-6144

Opening Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 am – 3:00 pm



The Saskatchewan Cancer Agency operates two treatment facilities:
– Allan Blair Cancer Centre in Regina
Saskatoon Cancer Centre

Following a diagnosis of cancer by a family physician or specialist, patients are referred to one of the cancer centres.

Through consultation with the cancer centre medical staff, the patient’s physician and specialists, an evaluation is made to determine the treatment required. Radiotherapy and chemotherapy treatments are administerd by the cancer centre oncology team. 

Allan Blair Cancer Centre
4101 Dewdney Avenue
Regina, Saskatchewan
Canada  S4T 7T1
Tel (306) 766-2213
Fax (306) 766-2688

The Allan Blair Cancer Centre is located within the Pasqua Hospital . Enter through the main doors of the hospital and follow the directional signs to the Cancer Centre. 

The Cancer Centre is open from 8:00 am – 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday.



20 Campus Drive, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Canada  S7N 4H4
Tel (306) 655-2662
After hours emergency call (306) 655-1000

The Saskatoon Cancer Centre is located on the University of Saskatchewan campus, beside the Royal University Hospital. You can enter the Cancer Centre through our main doors on Campus Drive, through the back door from the parkade or by a skywalk in the Royal University Hospital. The reception desk is on the ground level. Take the elevator to G level if you are coming from the hospital through the skywalk.

The Cancer Centre is open from 8:00 am – 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday.




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CancerCare Manitoba’s Patient and Family Support Services has skilled professionals with many years of experience to help and support you and your loved ones.

We want to make you aware of the many resources that are available to you. The links to the left give you a sense of the scope of these services – please take a little time to look around.

If you cannot find what you are looking for, please do not hesitate to call us at (204) 787-2109 or Toll Free, at 1-866-561-1026.


Contact Information

Office Phone:  204-787-2197

Toll Free:        1-866-561-1026



Location:          Downtown (Winnipeg)

Address:           675 McDermot Ave, Winnipeg, MB R3E 0V9

Description:      Provides cancer services, including care, treatment, and support.


Western Manitoba Cancer Centre

Contact Information

Office:  204-578-2222

Location:  Brandon

Address:   300 McTavish Ave E, Brandon, MB R7A 2B3

Description:    * provides cancer services to the residents of Western Manitoba, including radiation therapy, chemotherapy and clinical visits. There are also many supportive services offered through the WMCC including patient navigation, social worker/psychosocial oncology clinician, clinical dietitian, clinical pharmacist and a patient resource room.

* is jointly run by Prairie Mountain Health

Hours:  Mon-Fri 8 am-4 pm (excluding statutory holidays)

The catchment area for the WMCC is Prairie Mountain Health, although it is part of CCMB’s provincial cancer resources and any patient residing in Manitoba can ask to receive their treatment at the WMCC. As well, patients from the Eastern part of Saskatchewan also use the WMCC for their cancer treatments.


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Together we will…
transform cancer care in Ontario

Our fourth Ontario Cancer Plan is a road map for how Cancer Care Ontario, the Regional Cancer Programs, our many regional partners and the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care will work together to develop and deliver cancer services over the next four years.

This plan is designed to help all Ontarians reduce their risk of developing cancer, and to improve the quality of care for current and future patients. With this plan we will broaden our work to more fully span all stages of the cancer care continuum and to have a more fully person-centred approach.

Cancer Care Ontario works to continually improve the performance of our system by driving quality, accountability, innovation and value. Cancer Care Ontario directs and oversees approximately $1.1-billion in funding for hospitals and other cancer care providers, enabling them to deliver high-quality, timely services


Major Milestones

Much was accomplished under the previous Ontario Cancer Plan. Here are some highlights of achievements from 2011–2015.

Twenty-nine members joined Cancer Care Ontario’s Patient and Family Advisory Council, working to improve the patient experience along every step of the cancer care continuum.

MyCancerIQ , an online cancer risk assessment tool, was launched in February 2015.

All Regional Cancer Centres developed programs to screen patients for smoking status and refer smokers to smoking cessation programs .

More than 5 million Ontarians received direct correspondence to encourage them to participate inbreast, cervical, and colorectal cancer screening .

More than 5,000 primary care physicians and 1,000 physician delegates registered to receive aScreening Activity Report , which helps primary care providers understand and manage their patients’ screening activity and appropriate follow-up.

Thirty-four Diagnostic Assessment Programs now have patient navigators; 4 out of 5 patients strongly agreed that navigators helped them cope with the diagnostic process.

The Diagnostic Assessment Program – Electronic Pathway Solution rolled out across 5 regions; more than 12,000 patients are able to access their appointments, test results and educational resources, and care providers can use the tool to streamline patient care.

Disease Pathway Maps were published for colon, rectal, lung and prostate cancers.

Capital infrastructure was provided to support the opening of 2 new cancer centres in Niagara and Barrie, and expanded radiation treatment across the province. Since 2011, an investment of $154.5-million has been made to replace radiation equipment and system to keep the province current and state-of-the-art.

Working towards the implementation of the second Aboriginal Cancer Strategy , Cancer Care Ontario signed relationship protocols with 5 Aboriginal groups.

Wait times for diagnosis, treatment and pathology reporting improved. Some examples of improvements seen in 2013/14 include:

  • The wait time from referral for suspicion of lung cancer to diagnosis was 20% shorter compared with 2010.
  • In cancer surgery, 85% of patients received surgery within their wait time target versus 76% in 2010/11.
  • For systemic treatment, 75% of patients were seen for consultation within 14 days of referral, compared with 66% in 2012/13.
  • For radiation treatment, 83% of patients consulted with a radiation oncologist within 14 days of referral, compared to 75% in 2012/13. In addition, in the second quarter of 2014/15, 90% of patients started their treatment within set targets (1, 7 or 14 days), compared with 87% in 2012/13. This improvement in wait times occurred despite the deployment of higher-complexity treatment techniques.
  • 90% of post-surgical pathology reports were completed within the 14-day target time for colorectal cancers.

The risk of chemotherapy errors was reduced through the implementation of Canada’s first cancer-specific computerized prescriber order entry system, which now supports 93% of intravenous chemotherapy prescriptions in Ontario.

Cancer Care Ontario’s Provincial Drug Reimbursement Program introduced 2 new programs to improve access to necessary cancer treatments: the Evidence Building Program and theCase-by-Case Review Program

Funding for the Provincial Drug Reimbursement Program increased to approximately $320-million from $218-million (a 46% increase) since 2011.

The number of advance practice radiation therapists increased by 17, for a total of 24 professionals who have shown to contribute to reducing treatment wait times and improving quality of care.

Rectal cancer MRI synoptic reports were introduced, which have improved communication between radiologists and referring physicians.

Access to PET imaging for Ontario patients increased to include 5 new clinical indications, and the Pediatric PET Registry was launched.

 For more information visit the web-site at
GNB Home

New Brunswick Cancer Network (NBCN) is a branch of the Department of Health, whose mission is to reduce the burden of cancer for all New Brunswickers.

Nearly every family across the province will be affected by cancer in their lifetime.

The NBCN’s goal is to reduce the incidence, morbidity, and mortality of cancer among New Brunswickers through the planning, delivery, and evaluation of sustainable cancer services.

The NBCN is responsible for ensuring a provincial, evidence-based, approach to the delivery of cancer programs and services for all elements of cancer care.  These include prevention, screening, treatment, follow-up, palliative care, education and research. 

New Brunswick Cancer Care Facilities

Cancer services are available in all regions of the province. There are two cancer centres in New Brunswick which provide radiation therapy, the Dr. Léon Richard Oncology Centre in Moncton and the Atlantic Health Sciences Cancer Centre in Saint John.



37 Providence Street

Moncton, N.-B.

Telephone : 506-862-4005

The Saint John Regional Hospital is the largest tertiary care hospital in New Brunswick and is the primary health care referral centre for this area and to all New Brunswickers for major trauma and cardiac care.

The New Brunswick Trauma Program and the New Brunswick Heart Centre are located within the hospital. It is also the center of Dalhousie Medicine New Brunswick’s distributed medical education program.

This site offers autologous stem cell therapy, and a new stem cell processing laboratory. A new 44,000 sq. ft. addition to the hospital’s emergency department opened in early 2011.
Atlantic Health Sciences Corporation
St. John Regional Hospital
400 University Ave. Saint John NB. E2L 4L4
Phone: 506-648-6843