Find Support
One of the most remarkable aspects of the cancer experience is the discovery of just how many compassionate people there are in the world. Just when a cancer patient is feeling most alone, most economically stressed, and most unable to find anything positive in their life, somebody steps forward to offer a helping hand, a kind word, and something to make them feel special. Some of the individuals and organizations that offer help and services are inspired by their own encounters with cancer, while others are simply motivated by the desire to reach out and help those who are most in need.
The following are web-sites offering free items such as Quilts, Scarves, Breastforms, etc.
Good Wishes Scarves
Our mission is simple: to provide free of charge, one beautiful It’s a Wrap© or Good Wishes Scarf to anyone experiencing the thinning or loss of hair as a result of illness or treatment. Our goal is to in some small way ease their journey, provide a small bit of comfort and share the power of positive thinking and good wishes with these individuals on their path to healing and recovery.
When possible, we ask people, or their friends and loved ones, to choose three or more fabrics that suit their taste and style and then contact us through our online request form, by phone (888-778-5998) or e-mail ( We then send a wrap or scarf in a fabric of their choosing directly to these individuals along with the support and Good Wishes of all of our staff! If someone does not have access to the internet, we are more than happy to talk with them about their pattern and color preferences to select something beautiful for them.
Shipping may take 3-6 weeks depending upon stock and demand. International requests will need to pay shipping costs only.
Victoria’s Quilts Canada (VQC)
provides handmade quilts to people living with cancer in Canada. By providing these quilts, we hope to bring physical comfort to those dealing with cancer as well as spiritual comfort in knowing that they are not alone in their struggle.
Our organization now comprises over 1,200 volunteers in 24 communities across Canada, plus Ottawa. The quilts we provide are made by individual quilters who work independently or in groups in a team setting similar to the quilting bees of times past. Since 1999, we have delivered over 50,000 to people living with cancer across the country. We now make and distribute about 500 quilts per month. The work we do is generously supported by our corporate sponsors, who help by donating or discounting their products and services and by making financial grants and donations. Community groups and organizations also support our program through financial contributions to the National Office and to the Branches. The major source of our funds, however, are donations from private individuals, who are often the recipients of our quilts, and their families and friends. As we do not have any paid staff, we rely solely on the generosity of these donors and our volunteers to carry out our mission.
The demand for quilts continues to rise steadily and we welcome new volunteers to help us meet that demand. You do not need to be an “expert” quilter or a sewer, as there are many other ways in which you can help. For more information, please visit our Volunteer page.
We value your feedback. If you’d like to send us a comment about your experience, please use the form on our Guestbook page. Thank you. a quilt
Prior to any medical procedure it is imperative that patients with lymphedema or at risk to develop lymphedema, have a mechanism to alert medical professionals of their condition. Many times a patient is sedated or under anesthesia and can not protect or prevent at risk procedures such as, injections, blood draws, IV insertion, blood pressure readings ect. By donning a brightly colored Lymphedema Alertband on their wrist or ankle this will alert technicians to the risk. Although there are medical alert jewelry, in a medical setting, this can be overlooked as jewelry and not bring the desired attention to the extremity.
Peninsula BioMedical will send, at no charge, an alertband to any patient with or at risk of developing lymphedema. The band will accommodate up to 9 1/2 inches/24 centimeters. If your extremity is larger than this, please indicate the circumference of your ankle or wrist so that we can provide extra bands that snap together in order to accommodate a larger circumference. If two extremities are involved, please indicate this so that two bands can be sent.
Lymphedema is not curable, but it is treatable, controllable and there are preventative measures that can be taken to help protect patients from worsening and to lesson the risk of infection.
If you are patient and want a FREE Lymphedema Alertband, simply fill out the form on the web-site.
If you are a provider and want to order larger amounts of Lymphedema Alertbands for your practice, more information can be found on the web-site.
Our History
In 1992, in an effort to give back to the community that supports their industry, the member companies of the Canadian Cosmetic, Toiletry and Fragrance Association (CCTFA) pledged their commitment to women with cancer. The CCTFA Foundation was established to deliver the Look Good Feel Better program as the cosmetic industry’s charity of choice.
Look Good Feel Better is Canada’s only charitable cancer program dedicated to empowering women to manage the effects that cancer and its treatment can have on their appearance. Created from a belief that if a woman with cancer can be helped to look good, chances are she’ll feel better, her spirits will be lifted and she’ll be empowered to face her illness with greater confidence.
At the heart of Look Good Feel Better is the free, two-hour hands-on workshop offered
at 120 cancer care facilities and hospitals across the country. The workshop brings together women with cancer in a safe and supportive environment where they benefit from shared experiences and learn how to look and feel more like themselves again.
Since its inception, it is estimated that Look Good Feel Better has helped hundreds of thousands of women across the country through our workshop, annual magazine, comprehensive website and 1-800 number.
Our Workshops
Look Good Feel Better workshops are supportive, informative and full of easy, inspiring strategies for managing the effects that cancer and its treatments have on your appearance.
Offered at 120 hospital and cancer care facilities across Canada, our workshops for women are led by industry-trained cosmetic advisors and hair alternatives specialists who generously donate their time and expertise. The workshops are strictly brand-neutral – no brands, products, salons or services are endorsed – and they do not interfere with medical treatments. In fact, many health care providers believe that the positive outlook gained by many participants can play a tremendous role in the overall medical care and treatment.
What happens at our free workshops?
For two hours, eight to ten women gather with trained advisors who take them through the program’s Signature Steps for skin care, cover-up, eyes and colour, as well as hair alternatives. These volunteers understand the changes that cancer, radiation and chemotherapy can have on a woman’s appearance. They provide creative solutions to help women look more like themselves.
We invite you to come to join us at a workshop in your area. Beyond the benefits of feeling better about your appearance, you’ll discover a community of inspiration and support.
Find a workshop in your area @
Our Workshops for Teens
Teens dealing with cancer face special challenges. That’s why we offer workshops specifically for teens, where you’ll learn what you need to know about looking and feeling your best … while at school, on a date, at your part-time job or just hanging out with your friends.
For more information on a teen workshop, please call 1.800.914.5665.
HopeSpring offers wigs and headcoverings to those losing their hair due to cancer treatment. We are able to offer the wigs we purchase free of charge We are also pleased to provide post mastectomy camisoles to women undergoing, or who have recently had a mastectomy thanks to the Zonta Club of Kitchener-Waterloo.
Make an appointment in our Boutique today for your private session with a trained staff member or volunteer by calling (519)742-4673.