Brian and Anita Millett GAP fund

The Brian and Anita Millett GAP Fund is here to alleviate the financial burden for individuals facing cancer treatment appointments out of town. Members of the GBCSC may be eligible to reimbursement or prepayment of expenses related to travel costs, hospital parking, and overnight accommodations related to their out of town cancer-specific appointments. 

Submit a completed GAP application form along with all supporting documentation to or in person at the Georgian Bay Cancer Support Centre.

For all Applications: A printed or electronic copy of your appointment schedule is used to verify appointments. If you re having difficulty finding this information, it can usually be requested from your treatment team.

For Parking Pass Reimbursement: Receipts for all parking passes must be submitted in order to be reimbursed. Dates and locations must align with those of your appointments.

For Hospital Parking Passes: A listing of upcoming appointments is required.

For Accommodations: Some out of town appointments may be eligible for accommodation expenses (the cost of a hotel stay). Please contact the GBCSC in advance of these stays to ensure eligibility. Receipts must be provided for reimbursement.

  1. Hospital parking for appointments related to cancer treatment, follow-up, testing
  2. Gas cards for upcoming out-of-town (20+ kms) appointments related to your cancer.
  3. Reimbursement for mileage for past (up to 90 days) out-of-town appointments related to your cancer.
  4. Third-party transportation service fees for out-of-town appointments related to your cancer.
  5. Hotel accommodations in instances where treatment is required on consecutive days, or early morning/late evening when same-day travel would not be feasible.*

*If seeking support for accommodations, please contact the GBCSC prior to your travel. We will work with you to help secure a suitable location, optimal rates, and will confirm eligibility of the expense.

Brian Millett thought he was one of the lucky ones. Not because he was diagnosed with cancer. But because he could afford to be treated for it. Thanks to he and his wife, Anita, the GAP fund was born. 

Read the full story here 

“…I decided to come to the centre. They told me about the GAP funding program. They really helped me with gas and everything, with my trips back and forth to Barrie.”
